Lee Sung Kyung and Ra Mi Ran become detectives who are ready to shoot in the movie ‘Girl Cops’
The latest movie titled 'Girl Cops' is an acting project that first brought together Ra Mi Ran and Lee Sung Kyung as the two main characters.
Lee Sung Kyung and Ra Mi Ran play two police who are detective and ready to catch the crime of digital sex. Ra Mi Ran and Lee Sung Kyung show their sharp gazes while ready to shoot on the poster.
In this movie Ra Mi Ran will become a senior detective who had a vacuum but returned again to solve a criminal problem. Lee Sung Kyung is the best young detective and never gives up on solving problems. When other police have started giving up handling this case, Ra Mi Ran and Lee Sung Kyung will start to intervene.
The story in this movie itself corresponds to the current situation in South Korea, which is about the women who were secretly recorded.
On the poster it was written. "48 hours left. Unofficial investigations have begun ", then " Investigation is about instinct " and " Investigation is about dedication ".
Although discussing about crimes, this movie will still show exciting and interesting actions.
This movie will be shown on May 9 2019.
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